Often, we associate helping others with giving away money. Don't take me wrong that could be a valid way to help others.
But here's the thing, sometimes, when we can dedicate time to others, we gift them with so much more than money can buy. Believe me, Bill Gates, with all his net worth, can't buy more time than you or I get per day. We all have the same 24 hours.
With that in mind, here are TEN ways to help your neighbors' or others:
Always greet people with a smile.
Be their Emergency contact.
Share offers and discounts
Offer to go and do grocery shopping for them
Walk or care for pets in emergency cases
Send a hot-pot if they fall sick
Give them a call from time to time and genuinely check on them.
Volunteer to give your time
Share your resources when required
Mentor them in an area where you're a subject matter expert
If you have read up to this point, keep in mind that Universal principle that probably, you and I remember from childhood; "Do for others as you want for yourself."
Let's make the World a Kinder place Together.
